IDN.ASIA Pre-Registrations Start Thursday April 28, 2011 at 8:00 UTC
Internet acceptance and usage continues to rapidly expand in Asia. Total internet users are expected to top an amazing 2 billion by 2013! And for the most part, the vast majority of these users do not speak English. This is why Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) or web addresses represented in local languages are growing in popularity and importance.
HEXONET is very pleased to announce that dotASIA has finalized its launch for .ASIA IDNs (internationalized Domain names). The upcoming IDN.ASIA launch will be similar to the highly success ASCII .ASIA startup processes. The available IDN languages at launch are CHINESE (simplified and traditional), JAPANESE and KOREAN. HEXONET starts accepting pre-registerations for IDN.ASIA Domains as of Thursday April 28, 2011 at 8:00 UTC.
Sunrise & Sunrise Auction Info:
- Sunrise Application Period OPENS: May 11, 2011 at 12:00 UTC
- Sunrise Application Period CLOSES: July 20, 2011 at 12:00 UTC
- Domains with multiple valid applications go to auction
- Sunrise Pricing:
- Non-Refundable Application Fee of 95.20* (net: 80.00) USD/Application
- Plus the Annual Registration Fee of 18.09* (net: 15.20) USD per Domain/Year (2 year min. registration period required)
- Sunrise Billing will commence on May 11, 2011
Landrush & Landrush Auction Info:
- Landrush Period OPENS: August 2, 2011 at 12:00 UTC
- Landrush Period CLOSES: October 11, 2011 at 12:00 UTC
- Domains with multiple Landrush applications go to auction
- Acceptable Characters: Min. 3, Max. 63, letters, numbers, and hyphens ("-") - however hyphens at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD will not be accepted
- Registration Periods: 2 - 10 Years
- Domain Name Registration Policies: View
- Landrush Pricing: $19.04 (net: 16.00) USD per Domain/Year for ALL PRICE CLASSES (2 year min. registration period required)
- Landrush Billing will commence on August 2, 2011
Go-Live Info:
- Go-Live: To-Be-Determined by the Registry
- Allocated on a First-come-First-Served basis
- Characters: Min. 3, Max. 63, letters, numbers, hyphens ("-") - however hyphens at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD will not be accepted
- Registration Periods: 1 - 10 Years
- Domain Name Registration Policies: View
- Go-Live Pricing:
- Reseller: $18.09* (net: 15.20) USD per Domain/Year
- Premium: $16.90* (net: 14.20) USD per Domain/Year
- Platinum: $15.23* (net: 12.80) USD per Domain/Year
- Go-Live Billing: To-Be-Determined
Pre-registration Billing: (IMPORTANT)
HEXONET will start withdrawing DEPOSITS for Sunrise starting May 11, 2011 and for Landrush starting August 2, 2011, in preparation of submitting pre-registered domains to the registry. For Go-Live applications DEPOSITS will be withdrawn one week before the Go-Live start date which is yet to be determined. These deposit deductions are only to reserve funds in case all your Pre-registrations are successful. Deposits will automatically be returned back to your reseller account if any Pre-registrations are not successful or if you delete it prior to the submission to the registry (for Go-Live 24 hours prior to the actual launch).
Please note, for Sunrise only, the Non-Refundable Application Fee is charged at submission time (successful submissions) to the registry. The reserved deposit funds, collected for the Sunrise application fee, are used at the point of submission.
Go-Live applications deleted more than 24 hours prior launch are automatically refunded back to your reseller account. Please note, that Go-Live deletions are not permitted in the last 24 hours prior launch.
IDN Language Tag
The .ASIA registry will accept IDN registrations for the following languages - Simplified and Traditional Chinese (ZH), Japanese (JA), and Korean (KO). For details of IDN policies for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, please refer to .ASIA CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) IDN Policies.
With your .ASIA IDN Application, please submit the respective language tag using the following API extension:
x-idn-language = ZH | JA | KO
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Data
All .ASIA IDN Sunrise Applications require Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Data to be submitted with each domain name application. Further information can be found at the .ASIA IDN Sunrise Policies.
A second Sunrise (SR2) for Registered Marks, as well as, a third Sunrise (SR3) for Registered Names and Extended Protection are scheduled. Both Sunrise phases (SR2 and SR3) are to proceed in parallel (i.e. the registry will open for applications at the same time and period). Applications received for SR2 and SR3 will be treated as received at the same time, with proper priority maintained (i.e. SR2 over SR3).
During these Sunrise periods, single successful applicants will be awarded the respective IDN domain. However, If more than one applicant applies for the same domain and more than one pass the verification process (for the same priority), then all successfully verified applicants will be invited to bid for the respective domain via an auction.
The following extensions are required for Sunrise Applications:
x-asia-ipr-name = (TEXT) (max. 127 chars)
x-asia-ipr-number = (TEXT) (max. 127 chars)
x-asia-ipr-cclocality = (COUNTRYCODE)
x-asia-ipr-entitlement = owner | co-owner | assignee
x-asia-ipr-appdate = YYYY-MM-DD
x-asia-ipr-regdate = YYYY-MM-DD
x-asia-ipr-form = corporation | cooperative | partnership | government |
politicalParty | society | institution | other
x-asia-ipr-class = (TEXT) (max. 127 chars)
x-asia-ipr-preverified = (TEXT) (max. 25 chars)
Please note, that after an application is successfully submitted to the registry, IPR data may NOT be modified.
The Operations and Notifications Contact
For Sunrise and Landrush Applications an Operations and Notifications (NOTF) Contact may optionally be submitted to designate the point of contact to whom documentary evidence requests, auction invitations, and reminders are to be sent. If no NOTF Contact is submitted the Registrant will be designated by default. Please note, that once a NOTF Contact is assigned to an application, it may NOT be modified. You can submit any contact handle as designated NOTF Contact using the following API extension:
x-asia-notf-contact = (CONTACT)
Pre-registration via API (Sunrise, Landrush and Go-Live)
command = AddDomainApplication
domain =
x-idn-language = ZH | JA | KO
period = 1Y | 2Y | 3Y | 4Y | 5Y | 6Y | 7Y | 8Y | 9Y | 10Y
ownercontact0 = (CONTACT)
admincontact0 = (CONTACT)
techcontact0 = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0 = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 = (NAMESERVER)
nameserver2 = (NAMESERVER)
Pre-registration via Control Panel
Pre-registrations can be submitted through the Control Panel by logging into your account and navigating to "Manage Products > Domains" and clicking the "Pre-reg Admin" link in the left side menu. From here one can list existing or submit new Pre-registrations. Users can modify or delete any Pre-registrations without charge up to 24 hours prior to the launch date.